1. How do I connect to my spiritual side?Connecting to spirituality is a requirement and is prompted from your inner being...
By staying centered with yourself.
2. What does it mean by staying centered with yourself?
It's feeling the essence of the now or feeling centered in the very moment of the activity that you are doing NOW.

Here's an example:
Say you love to play soccer and your playing a game with friends.
The action of you doing that something that you love and just playing is living in the NOW.
Enjoying the moment and letting life dance around you. Life is doing it's repetitive thing and you are flowing with it.
Here's another example:
Your painting a picture of something that you love and enjoy the whole action of doing this without any challenges. Painting no matter what is yours and you love doing it.
These two examples represent events that you love to do and feel no negative feelings from. NO one is forcing you to do these activities, because you want or (feel) life or (like)doing the activities
This is how you connect with your spiritual side and when this happens you connect with an inner voice.
So how do I connect to my spiritual side?
You connect with your spiritual side by listening and paying attention to a feeling inside you and your inner voice.
Once you become accustom to connecting to your spiritual side you will very easily know and hear what your inner voice is wanting and saying by little messages.
- words
- pictures in your mind
- letters
- numbers
- symbols
Most people find that meditating is a great way to connect with their spiritual side.
Meditating quiets the mind and opens your mind to a different dimension that is the same as your inner self that understands you and your true essence.
You might find that when your out sightseeing or birdwatching, or hiking anywhere outside in nature that you have connect to something very deep. Almost to the point where you feel an emotional eruption(tears). This is because you have connected to the spiritual side of you that is very familiar to your true inner being. It's almost as if your inner being has found home and that living in this daily dimension saddens the inner being. Our inner being has all these years developed a homesick feeling, so this emotional eruption is really a relief feeling from our inner self, knowing that home is close. In other words home to the inner self is our spiritual side and this is what the inner being prefers.
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